
The Swarm Foundation is proud to share its core tech team's internal agenda for the next 12 months. The aim is to create predictability in development tracks and the wider organisation, as well as help coordinate between the Foundation's efforts and the efforts deployed to the broader Swarm community.

1. Host unstoppable content on Swarm

Uploading and downloading content such as websites or nft- data is optimised and predictable. This functionality can be accessed through all Swarm products.

2. Setting up and interacting with a Bee node is optimised for ease-of-use

Any crypto enthusiast with an interest in Swarm can set up and run a Bee node easily.
In Progress

3. Node-operators are directly rewarded for contributing their storage space

Uploading and downloading content such as websites or nft- data is optimised and predictable. This functionality can be accessed through all Swarm products.
Next up

4. Optimisation for larger data uploads

Uploading and downloading bigger files and datasets is optimised.


End Users

End users have a smooth experience starting a node and have the tools to monitor and interact with their local node. Apps connect to nodes and gateways in a secure way. Basic functionality of websites (files and directories) upload and download is optimised for speed and reliability.

Dapp Developers

Dapp Developers are provided with a mature toolkit that can be used to integrate Swarm in their Web3 dapp. This includes extensive and useful documentation, example dapps, and tutorials. They benefit from dashboards monitoring vital metrics displaying the node's operational health. Developers can rely on help provided in dev channels.


Node operators are sufficiently incentivised to contribute their bandwidth and storage space. Time-based allowance is calibrated so that clients paying for bandwidth will get reasonable service. As for storage, Postage Stamp revenue is redistributed to storer nodes directly in an efficient way without the need for storage contributors to stake their tokens.


Alternative client development is supported by consolidated and structured specifications of the DISC protocols and client strategies. High level standards and APIs are cleared up and documented. Integration, multiclient testing environment and quality assurance tools are provided. Ecosystem projects are provided with grants and fellowships.


The Swarm Foundation aims to assist as much as it can in providing scaffoldings to the community to support their own agenda involving Swarm. It encourages autonomous, independent and permissionless communities to take further ownership over the protocol and its usages.


The Foundation subsidises efforts to make large datasets of public interest available through Swarm.